Description of Classes

Mayfair offers a gentle transition from home to preschool… with programs designed to teach and inspire

Parent & Tot

Tuesdays 1:00-2:30 pm; 24 months – 3 years

Mayfair’s gentle introduction to preschool gives parents the chance to see the world of learning through the eyes of a toddler. The teacher leads parents and their children through developmentally appropriate activities, including stories and songs. Lots of free playtime, creative dramatics, a craft project, and snack time round out this unique one-on-one experience.


Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-11:55; 3 years by September 1

Mayfair friends, as children are called in the classroom, start their day with teacher-led circle time that sets the tone and introduces the day’s theme. Free-choice play follows, which allows students to explore the fully stocked classroom. A second teacher-led group time gets kids moving with rhymes, songs, stories and creative dramatics. Class ends with a nutritious snack followed by outdoor play. Parents volunteer in the classroom for complete sessions on a rotating basis (about once or twice a month) and volunteer for maintenance projects and school events to help run Mayfair.


Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:30-11:55; extended days are 9:30-2:30 are Mondays and Wednesdays and start in October; 4 years by September 1

Mayfair’s 4s program is structured similarly to the 3s class, with teacher-led sessions and plenty of free play for exploratory learning. To match the needs of this pre-kindergarten set, circle time is expanded and more emphasis is placed on play-based work with numbers and letters. On extended days (Mondays and Wednesdays beginning in October) children bring a packed lunch and stay through the afternoon. Through additional responsibilities and opportunities to express themselves in front of their peers, this program helps strengthen social and developmental skills. Focused exploration of special topics like space, the human body, and the world. Parents volunteer in the classroom for the morning sessions on a rotating basis (about once or twice a month) and volunteer for maintenance projects and school events to help run Mayfair. Parents are not typically in the classroom during the afternoon on extended days, with an extended day teacher assisting the lead teacher in the afternoons.